Terms and Conditions
1. To pay the monthly service fee in advance without any deduction on or before the first day of every month. All service fees and advance service fees paid are not refundable.
2. No forberance delay or indulgence by the Company in enforcing any of the covenants, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prejudice or affect the rights or remedies of the Company hereunder nor shall any waiver of any breach thereof operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach and no waiver or variation of any of the covenants , terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be valid or have any effect unless the same be in writing and signed by a Director of the Company.
3. A two-months deposit as initial payment shall be paid before the commencement of service. The said deposit shall be refunded to the Client after the termination of this agreement provided always that the Company is entitled to deduct any outstanding amount owed to the Company for services provided.
4. The Client shall pay during the term of this agreement all charges for services rendered by the Company at the rates stipulated by the Company.
5. An upfront payment shall be paid for all services which are required on an ad-hoc basis before such services are rendered.
6. The Company reserves the right to reveal client’s contact number to the caller at the discretion of the management.
7. The Service during the currency of this Agreement shall be provided by the Company between the hours from 9.00am to 5.30pm on Monday to Friday only. No service is provided on all Saturday, Sundays and Public Holidays and this service and operating schedule/hours may be subjected to change if necessary at the discretion of the Company.
8. Only written instructions (by mail, SMS or e-mail) will be accepted by the company for any changes/updates for administration support at the rates stipulated by the Company. Client has to adhere to the rules & regulations of the Company while using the services at all times.
9. All information conveyed by the Client to his contacts is deemed true and the Company will not be held liable for the accuracy/reliability/credibility of the Information.
10. Proper conduct and behavior is required at all times within the Premises. The Company reserves the right to stop or prohibit the Client from behaving in a way that is deemed not acceptable by terminating this service agreement without prior notice. In the event that the Company is of the opinion that the particular business is undesirable or unsuitable as aforesaid, the Company reserves the right to require the Client to immediately cease, remove or to desist from the Premises any activities, goods, products, or anything whatsoever displayed or kept in the Premises which the Company in its absolute discretion considers undesirable or unsuitable for the image of the Company and its decision shall be final and binding absolutely.
11. In the event that the company is of the opinion that any of its staff/agent is rudely/violently/vulgarly shouted at/scolded or mentally/physically harassed by the Client while discharging his/her duty, the Company reserves the full right to terminate this service agreement without prior notice and its decision shall be final and binding absolutely.
12. Any job received after 4.30pm will be considered as the following day’s work.
13. Reasonable time frame must be given for the completion of any work. Any urgent matters without prior arrangement requested to be completed within 1 day will be charged on case to case basis. The Company reserved the right to decline or reject such job at its discretion.
14. No signature of the Company or its staff/appointed agent assigned to carry out the job is allowed on any documents. The Company will not be held liable or responsible for the usage of any digital signature provided and authorized by the Client.
15. All replies through e-mail, fax, mail and etc will be attended when time permits at the discretion of the Company.
16. All unused credit(s) is non-accumulative, non-claimable and non-exchangeable for cash and subjected to relevant terms and conditions.
17. No sales or outdoor services or cold-calling will be provided as part of the Service.
18. The Company will not be held liable for any transaction, dispute, breaching of contract and other business matters between the Client or undersigned and his or her counterparts or clients or affiliates and etc.
19. The Company or the staff assistant or Appointed Agent will not be held liable and responsible for any unmet or delayed schedule caused by any delays in action or decision or execution in carrying out the Services.
20. The Client agrees to provide his or her company stamp for all official matters handled by the Company. The Company will not be held liable for any consequences due to the usage of company stamp.
21. The Company will not be responsible for any typo error, grammatical error, misinterpretation of the original content for translation service, damage or claim whatsoever arising suffered by the Client or whosoever related while performing the services caused by reason of negligence by the Company’s servants or Appointed Agent. It is the duty of the client to check on the final production of work.
22. The Company is not responsible for the end use of any document produced or edited as instructed by the Client. The Client is solely responsible for its appropriate use, including abiding by any copyright laws, plagiarism laws and publishing requirements.
22.1 Client should not pass off plagiarised material as their own original work. The Company will assume no responsibility for any plagiarized material supplied by Client and reserves the right to return the work should the Company become aware of such inappropriate use and has the right to reject work for any client at the Company’s sole and absolute discretion.
23. The Company reserves the right to reveal client’s contact number and the registered office address to the caller at the discretion of the Company.
24. The Company or its staff shall not handle, collect or pay cash on behalf of Client for any reason or matter whatsoever.
25. The Client’s information is considered confidential. The Company will not use the confidential information other than for the purposes of its business with the Client. The Company will not disclose, publish or otherwise reveal any of the confidential information received from the Client to any other party whatsoever except with the specific written authorization of the Client and/or upon assisting in investigation exercise by the police/custom/immigration or other authorities.
26. The Company has sole discretion to determine how and when to perform the services required to achieve the final result specified by the Client.
27. The Client who subscribe the Virtual PA package or administration support also agrees to adhere to the following terms and conditions of each Service Division :
Despatch Services
27.1 The Client has to hand in any documents for dispatch service one (1) day earlier, from Mondays to Fridays, during the official working hours only.
Any documents handed in on the same day itself will be considered as the next scheduled despatch service. The despatch service is not calculated as credit points.
27.2 Despatch services for the payment of bills are as per the standard schedule advised by the Company from time to time. The Client is responsible to follow the schedule every month to ensure prompt payment of his bills. The Company has no responsibility to remind the Client of the schedule at any given time during the period of the service.
27.3 Cash/cash cheque is strictly not allowed for any payment of bills. Only cheques are accepted for any despatch service.
27.4 The Company is not responsible to check the contents of the cheque (eg. Beneficiary name, amount) and thus, is not liable for any bounced/ returned /faulty cheque after it has been submitted to the intended party for bank-in or payment purposes.
27.5 The Company is not liable to make payment on behalf of the Client.
27.6 Additional charges will incur for any urgent despatch services requested that is out of the standard schedule.
27.7 Mail requested to be sent out must include postage/pre-fixed stamp(s) and it is not calculated as credit points.
Appointment Reminder
27.8 The Client will be reminded of his pre-scheduled appointments for the day via either a telephone call or SMS once a day. The Company will reach the Client based on best effort.
27.9 The Client is to update the Company at least 1 working day to a maximum of 6 months in advance for any appointments required as a reminder. Any updates for appointments given on the same day itself will be deemed as a late update and the Client will be reminded of it based on best effort only.
The late update(s) will be considered as extra services rendered and are subjected to rates stipulated by the Company.
Concierge Services
27.10 The Client is entitled to enjoy the corporate rates provided by the list of hotels affiliated with the Company. However, reservation services are based on
Best effort and the Company is not liable for any unmet request or requirements.
27.11 All bills for any reservations made are to be settled by the Client. The Company will not be guarantor for any non-payment.
27.12 Arrangements for transportation (eg. Taxi) and restaurant reservation are subjected to availability and recommendations only and may not guarantee
Or fulfill the personal preference of the Client.
Info Helpline Service
27.18 All information provided will be based on current findings provided by appointed agents or sources on the World Wide Web. The Company will not be liable for the accuracy/reliability/credibility of the information obtained.
27.19 Selection of information to be provided is at the discretion of the Company.
27.20 Assistance/support provided during emergency/non-emergency situations is based on best effort.
28. An Account Manager shall be assigned to undertake all tasks given by the Client. He/She shall then delegate the tasks to the staff at his/her discretion as no specific
staff will be permanently assigned to a particular client or task. The Client shall contact the Account Manager to assign tasks, updates and all other queries regarding
his/her account with the Company. In the event the Account Manager shall not be available due to illness, annual leave or any other reason whatsoever, a contact
person shall be assigned to the client.
29. A management fee shall be charged for project work (as defined by The Company)
30. The Company is entitled to revised the fees charged in the event the subsequent job scope shall be substantially different from what is originally contracted.
31. The Client has no right to claim and the Company will not be responsible for any injury, loss, consequential loss, damage or claim whatsoever arising, suffered by the Client or whatsoever related for the reason of subscribing or engaging or using the Service provided by the Company and caused by reason of any negligence or defect by the Company’s servants or agents employed or 3rd parties engaged in discharging the official duties and by any other unforeseen circumstances such as breakdown of technical support or technical fault on office equipments, phone equipments, telephone system/server, phone lines, gadgets etc and act of God and further shall indemnify and keep the Company indemnified against all such injury, loss, consequential loss, damage or claim whatsoever and howsoever arising, suffered by the Client or and 3rd parties.
32. One month written notice has to be given for termination of the service from either the Client or the Company or alternatively, by way of compensation, pay one month service charge in lieu of.
33. For the purpose of establishing the amount of the Company liability and notwithstanding the aforesaid it is expressly agreed between the Client and the Company that the liability of the Company in any event shall NOT EXCEED RM200.00 or its equivalent.
34. The Company has the right to perform services for other clients during the term of the contract.
35. The Company has the right to outsource jobs and work to independent service providers to perform some or all of the duties required.
36. The Client shall have no personal contact whatsoever with the staff or other agent appointed by the Company to execute the task(s) except the designated Account Manager via the pre-arranged mode of communication.
I/We agree to accept the above terms and conditions as laid down by the company and I/We fully understand if I/We breach the terms and conditions as mentioned, the Company has the right to terminate the service without prior notice and my/our deposits and all advance service fee payments will be forfeited.
I/We also fully understand that if any of the particulars/documents given is not true or if I/We fail to present the original documents (Identity card (I.C.) and company registration documents) required by the Company, the Company reserves the right to terminate the service without notice or not to activate the service required by me/us. In such an event, my/our deposits will be forfeited absolutely.